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Is Boba Vegan and Is It Good for You?

25 Apr 2022 • 6 MIN Vincent Giampapa MD
Is Boba Vegan and Is It Good for You?
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Boba tea or boba came from Taiwan during the 1980s. It is served with soft, gelatin-like tapioca balls at the bottom of each cup. This drink is popular amongst Asian Americans. It is also widely enjoyed in America in the last 5-10 years.

At the end of each cup, bubble tea has brewed tea, sugar or sweetener, milk or juice, as well as tapioca pearls. These tapioca pearls are commonly referred to as "Boba pearls."

The History of Boba

Made from tapioca starch, also called cassava starch, boba pearls are little balls typically cooked in brown sugar syrup. This creates a sweet taste and darkens the color. These pearls are almost tasteless, making them very easy to combine with numerous beverages. Additionally, there are popping boba selections which come in different colors and loaded with a variety of fruit-flavored syrups.

Nonetheless, you might wonder whether or not this Taiwanese sweet treat is vegan. In this article, we will certainly address this concern and find out about the various health benefits of boba.

The History of Boba

Boba- the drink itself- stems from Taiwan. Though, it is still contested which city and particular store it started. Initially, vendors used boba pearls in shaved ice treats coupled with syrups, beans, and delectably crunchy rice balls.

Meanwhile, Taiwan’s tea culture also brought about the beverage milk tea. Eventually, somebody decided to combine the two, creating the brilliant, cherished drink we currently have today. Boba culture made its way to America via Taiwanese communities. It thrived near university campuses and high schools, where students would get together for cram sessions and study groups.

Until today, the majority of boba tea shops close late and offer budget-friendly treats and beverages that make them the ideal stop for late-night hangouts and learning.

Is Boba Vegan?

Since the drink is highly versatile, not every bubble tea is vegan. Although many boba products are made from the cassava root, many stores sweeten their pearls with honey or other non-vegan ingredients. A topping you should avoid is the pudding because it is typically made of eggs.

Nevertheless, various kinds of bubble tea toppings are vegan. Lychee jelly, rainbow jelly, and countless other kinds of jelly are great alternatives. These jellies are made from sugar, fructose, and other components that do not contain animal products.

Is Boba Vegan?

On top of that, grass jelly is a topping comparable to tapioca pearls. Although this jelly is typically sweetened with sugar syrup, some shops might use honey, so ask beforehand.

In bubble tea, one more essential component is milk (usually sweetened condensed milk). Does this imply you cannot fully have a vegan bubble tea? Not quite.

You can add options to tailor your drink to make it genuinely vegan. Rather than milk, you can select almond milk, soy milk, or perhaps stay clear of milk completely.

Keep in mind that every store makes bubble tea differently. Make sure to regularly ask to see the ingredients checklist on their boba, jellies, and various other toppings to make certain whether or not they are vegan.

How to Make Your Own Vegan Boba Tea

Making boba tea at home is a healthier alternative than buying from stores. You can make it 100% vegan too. Although the process may seem intimidating in the beginning, I guarantee after you make it the very first time, you would discover just how simple to create.

Below is an easy recipe for tasty homemade gluten-free vegan bubble tea:

  • 1/2 cup of dry tapioca
  • 3 cups of clean water.
  • 2 tbsp liquid sweetener of preference
  • 2 tea bags or two portions of tea
  • 2 cups of vegan milk of your choosing.


Step 1:

In a medium-sized pan, bring 3 cups of water to a boil. Add dried-up tapioca pearls and continue to cook on low heat for about 5-8 minutes (you may also refer to the instructions on the package). Make sure to stir the pan from time to time, so the tapioca pearls do not clump together.

You will know when the tapioca is cooked when it becomes transparent. You can also try one pearl to make sure it's cooked through and through.

Step 2:

Reserve one cup of boiling water and allow your tea of choice to heat, preferably black tea. Make this reasonably strong, as you'll be adding vegan milk later on. As soon as your preferred tea strength is reached, allow it to cool in the refrigerator until you're ready to serve.

Step 3:

Once you are sure that the tapioca pearls are cooked, remove from heat and strain. Transfer to a bowl and cover with ample water, so it does not dry out. Then, add 2 tbsps of sweetener.

Step 4:

To assemble your boba tea, strain and split the prepared tapioca between 2 cups. Add ice if preferred, put tea right into each glass, and finish with non-dairy milk.

Step 5:

Add extra sweetener as needed, and drink up! Don't forget to make use of a reusable metal bubble tea straw.

Health Benefits of Drinking Boba Tea

Drinking boba tea can provide you the following health benefits:

Reduced Blood Pressure

One research study shows that consuming green tea- a popular base for boba tea - can decrease blood pressure. It may also help reduce overall cholesterol, reducing the danger of developing severe health conditions like cardiovascular diseases and stroke.

Reduced Risk of Cancer

Green tea has been shown to influence particular cancers. Researchers examining green tea's antioxidants, discovered that green tea could reduce the threat of liver, breast, prostate, and colon cancers. These antioxidants stop or slow damages from unstable oxygen molecules in the body. Numerous bubble tea blends do not use green tea as a base.

May Boost Energy

Because of the sugar in bubble tea and the high levels of caffeine found in most tea types, this famous Taiwanese beverage can supply a significant increase in energy. Remember that you do not overindulge this drink. Boba tea has a high calorie and sugar count. A much healthier variation with less sugar could still supply a kick start to your metabolic process.

May Strengthen Immune System

Among the most common bubble tea flavors, Green tea has a wide variety of probable antioxidants. For instance, catechins and polyphenols are examples of these antioxidants.

Free radicals, according to many experts, have a role in the aging process as well as the development of a variety of health issues, including cancer and heart disease.

Antioxidants can strengthen the immune system by protecting your body against oxidative stress. They counteract free radicals, which are harmful compounds in the body that alter cells, damage DNA, and even kill cells. If you pick fresh fruits in your tea, you will also obtain a dosage of vitamin C in your tea, improving your immune system.

Harmful Side Effects of Bubble Tea

Although boba tea provides a couple of health benefits, there are also some downsides in taking it regularly. In some cases, boba tea consists of very high levels of sugar, which is associated with long-term health problems like diabetic issues and weight problems.

Weight Gain

Frequent drinking of bubble tea without changes in calorie consumption in other areas could lead to weight gain. Suppose you mix fruit syrup, sweetened condensed milk, and tapioca balls into a glass of bubble tea,  the calorie count can typically climb up to as high as 350 calories.

Diabetic Issues

Due to high sugar levels and abundance of carbohydrates, tapioca balls are not advised for individuals who have increased risk of diabetes. People with increased risk for developing the metabolic disease should also lessen their boba tea intake.

If you want to sustain a healthy and balanced way of living, see to it to monitor your sugar consumption and make an effort to use healthier sweetener alternatives. Whether sugar alternatives are a more nutritious option still depends on which sweetener you use and how much you use it.

The Ultimate Immune Booster

Reach in antioxidants, boba tea could help in providing nutrients essential for your health . But your body needs more! When it comes to living a healthy and happy life, nothing beats good ol' science.

Healthycell offers a wide range of products formulated by great scientists to give you the best treatment for your body. Healthycell’s Vegan Essentials will fill these gaps and more. Even better, it's completely vegan!


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Get 30 packets of nutrition and vitamin-rich gel packs for just $59.95. Vegan Essentials contains a broad spectrum of essential vitamins, minerals, and other vital nutrients specifically needed in vegan diets to support your brain, muscles, strong bones, shiny hair, vibrant skin, healthy nails, immunity, and boost energy.

Absorption is boosted with advanced MICROGEL technology by giving tiny, soluble nutrient particles that are absorbed in the digestive tract, making this type of supplement more effective than capsules. Visit Healthycell's website for more information.